A strong team
Discover the benefits of a family-run company with short decision paths and get to know us as an employer. Whether you are in school, at a university, have graduated or are an experienced professional – we look forward to working with you!
Apprentices at Poppe
A well-founded, practical apprenticeship forms the basis for a successful future career. Start your career with Poppe and lay the foundations for successful professional development with your personality and your performance. We develop a personal apprenticeship program together with you.
For graduates and professionals
New and exciting challenges await! Take advantage of our internationality, varied customer base, flat hierarchies and exciting positions.
Are you hungry for knowledge and keen to experience innovation in action? Do you want to learn proven techniques and create something new?
Then Poppe is the right employer for you.
Become a member of the Poppe family and allow us to benefit from your experience too. See for yourself!
Put your learning into practice
A thesis or an internship can be a good way of combining theory and practice while getting to know Poppe as an employer. We offer internships and interesting subjects for theses and project work in various areas.
The positions that are currently available can be found here.
Dual studies
We want to give you the opportunity to get to know our company even during your studies. This allows you to combine theory and practice at an early stage.
- Industrial engineering specializing in mechanical engineering
- Industrial engineering specializing in sales
- Engineering specializing in mechanical engineering
- Engineering specializing in electrical engineering